Tayla and Nikki, along with the rest of the team, embarked on a day of volunteer work at the home of Zhivargo, a man recovering from a life-altering accident. They helped with yard work and home renovations, witnessing firsthand the challenges he faces. Despite his injuries, Zhivargo’s positive spirit and determination to rebuild his life were truly inspiring.
Today, we visited Zhivargo’s home and had the pleasure of interacting with him and his family, including his son, sisters, and mother. He graciously allowed us to assist with some yard work. We removed invasive vines that were slowly strangling the healthy trees, providing us with unique and rewarding experiences.
Originally, Zhivargo and his son intended to live in the entire house. However, a serious car accident necessitated the creation of a separate apartment within the home. This unfortunate event left Zhivargo with a spinal injury that prevents him from working, his previous occupation being in construction. To generate income and cover daily expenses, he now rents out the apartment.
Today, we volunteered our time to help him with the renovations, assisting with the installation of walls and drywall. Zhivargo, despite his challenges, possesses incredible character and a deep love for gardening. He is a kind and generous person, always ready to share his knowledge and enthusiasm. He is filled with joy and eagerly anticipates the completion of his home.
—Tayla Vasquez and Nikki Vasquez