Short daily updates from Impact teams.

Kraal Team – Community

The Kraal team writes about their experience in Haiti and a word they feel sums up their time there so far, community. Hey Friends! We made it. Safe in Pignon and settled in enough to actually try and summarize all the thoughts, feelings and experiences these last 3 days have been in words. Not always an easy task.

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Haven – Go With The Flow

The Haven team was thrown for a loop when their own plans fell through. This didn’t stop the group from going with the flow and opening their hearts to everything God had in store for them in that moment. By doing so, they discovered the blessing in the unexpected waiting. Click here to read the team’s previous blog.

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Pella Christian Winterim 2020

A team of high school students from Pella Christian are serving in Haiti during their school’s”Winterim”, a set aside for extracurricular and cultural activities. Grant Alsum and Trenton Keuning, two of the students on this trip, share their introductions into the Haitian culture as they prepare for a week of learning and service.

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