As we continue to get closer to the New Year, we have continued to meet and pray over the unknown nature of future travel. Many Hands desires to continue to be as transparent as possible and give realistic expectations for your upcoming trip. Through several discussions with staff and Board members, we have decided to postpone all 2021 trips through late May. Although this was a difficult decision, we feel that this decision is best with the current world we are in.
We will still continue to move forward in planning of IMPACT trips after May 2021 to Pignon, Haiti, via MFI, with the expectation that if at 60 days out from the departure date, the United States Travel Advisory issued for Haiti is Level 4: Do Not Travel, we will postpone the trip. We will not book any commercial travel before the 60-day departure date, so if we receive any money for this trip, it would be transferred to a later date or refunded to the individual or organization. We still plan to send individuals that we deem are mission critical to the organization to travel to and from Haiti, as certain personnel are needed for continuation of the mission and operations.
We appreciate your understanding around this decision and we continue to pray for God to move the necessary pieces to safely allow travel in 2021. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Laura Nicholson at [email protected] or 641-629-6633 to discuss further.
Be blessed,
Tim Brand
CEO, Many Hands for Haiti